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美剧里经常说的“哦上帝啊! 天哪”英文怎么写?不是OH MY GOD!好像是"及社斯快ruai斯特”求英文正确版!
美剧里经常说的“哦上帝啊! 天哪”英文怎么写?不是OH MY GOD!好像是"及社斯快ruai斯特”求英文正确版!
英文正确版:jesus christ.
Jesus Chirst 是一个名字,翻译成耶酥.基督.就像是George Bush是一个名字一样.在基督教中,Jesus Christ被认为是 Son of God(“上帝的儿子”),人类的救世主.至于他的名字的意思,这里引用一些话给你参考:
"The real significance of Jesus Christ's life and sacrifice,have been available to mankind all along.The answers are found in the very name of Jesus Christ."..."There is no other name ...by which we must be saved." "Throughout the Bible,God uses names to signify what the person or being represents."
希腊文的《新约》里说,the name "Jesus" here means the same in Greek as the Hebrew name "Joshua." "Joshua" means literally God is salvation.So the angel's message to Joseph was "You shall call His name 'God is salvation'.所以,耶酥是“救世主”的意思.
What about the second part of the name "Jesus Christ"?What does the word "Christ" mean?Actually,it isn't so much a proper name as it is a title."Christ" comes from the Greek word Christos,meaning "anointed." Its meaning is the same as the Hebrew word Messiah (John 1:41).They both mean "anointed(使神圣化)" or "anointed one." 所以,应该是“基督之神”.
Jesus Chirst 是一个名字,翻译成耶酥.基督.就像是George Bush是一个名字一样.在基督教中,Jesus Christ被认为是 Son of God(“上帝的儿子”),人类的救世主.至于他的名字的意思,这里引用一些话给你参考:
"The real significance of Jesus Christ's life and sacrifice,have been available to mankind all along.The answers are found in the very name of Jesus Christ."..."There is no other name ...by which we must be saved." "Throughout the Bible,God uses names to signify what the person or being represents."
希腊文的《新约》里说,the name "Jesus" here means the same in Greek as the Hebrew name "Joshua." "Joshua" means literally God is salvation.So the angel's message to Joseph was "You shall call His name 'God is salvation'.所以,耶酥是“救世主”的意思.
What about the second part of the name "Jesus Christ"?What does the word "Christ" mean?Actually,it isn't so much a proper name as it is a title."Christ" comes from the Greek word Christos,meaning "anointed." Its meaning is the same as the Hebrew word Messiah (John 1:41).They both mean "anointed(使神圣化)" or "anointed one." 所以,应该是“基督之神”.
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