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What can you do when someone hurts you? Most people may be angry or even fight with the one who hurts him or her. But it’s not a good idea. The best way is to forgive them.

Although it is not easy for us to forgive people who hurt us it is possible forgiveness makes you hopeful. And it is good for our health ” says Fredric Ph. D. the writer of the book called Forgive for God.

But how can we forgive others?

First think of something beautiful and try to get yourself happy.

Second don't wait for others to say sorry to you. If the people hurt you he or she won’t say sorry to you. They may just want to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way.

Third try to see things in others' shoes. You can write a letter to yourself from the offender's point. That can make you understand others better and make yourself happier.

At last dont forget to forgive yourself. For some people forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge. And it also makes you more confident.

1. When someone hurts you what should you do?


2. How many ideas does the writer give us to forgive others who hurt you?


3. Translate the underlined sentence “try to see things in others' shoes”.


In many countries it is still common to see the whole family cooking together. You will find parents their children's grandparents in the same kitchen at the same cooking as a family. They talk with each others are fun and make a great meal at the same time. However a lot of families are too busy nowadays to spend this time together.

In fact it is very important to find some time to cook together. Even if it is just once a month whenever it is possible cooking as a family should be done. Family members rarely get a chance to connect with each other as a family and cooking together can change that. It can also foster an interest in different types of foods such as healthy food like vegetables and fruits.

Having children cook with their family in the kitchen also makes them more confident. They can feel like they are doing something important by meeting the needs of their family. It is also more likely that the family will eat dinner together if they prepare it together.

Cooking as a family will also help members understand family values. Cooking together is sure to bring the family happiness and make them close.

4. Why should cooking as a family be done whenever it is possible even if it is just once a month?


5. What’s the title of the passage?



1. Forgive her or him.

2. Four.

3. 站在对方立场看问题(换位思考)

4. Cooking as a Family (Cooking Together/the Advantages of Cooking as a Family)

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