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A.minerals B.agriculture C.profitable D.available E.shortages
F.celebrations G.immigrants H.increased I.population J.fashionable K.opened
Chinese traders were recorded as making voyages to the north coast of Australia from the 1750s,but were probably visiting Australia long before.Chinese men arrived in Australia in small numbers after the 1788British settlement as free settlers and criminals.A small population grew rapidly after 1848under a system of indentured(契约的)labour,after China had (41)___ its ports to foreign trade in 1842.They worked in rural New South Wales as cooks,farm labourers and etc.
Indentured Chinese(42)___ worked in all colonies variously as station hands,plantation workers,miners,on public works,cabinet makers,personal servants and in laundries.Most came from the south-eastern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian.
Due to labour (43)___ in West Australia,the Colonial Government organized Chinese contract labour between 1847and 1898,most working as labourers,cooks and gardeners.Many Chinese people came from rural backgrounds and brought with them (44 )___ and water management skills.By 1885,there were 54Chinese market gardens in Sydney.By 1901,67% of New South Wales market gardeners were Chinese.
Gold rushes in Victoria in the 1850s and New South Wales in the 1860s significantly(45)___ the population of Chinese immigrants in Australia; about 45,000prospectors arrived in Victoria alone in 1854-58.Numbers continued to increase as gold and other(46)___ were discovered in Queensland,Northern Territory and Tasmania.
When mining became less(47)___,many Chinese people worked successfully to provide goods and services such as furniture making,market gardening,fishing and,particularly,store-keeping including the import and export of goods from overseas.Chinese goods,especially tea,silk,vegetables,herbs and other spices were highly sought after items of trade by non-Chinese people.Tea rooms,importing and selling many varieties of tea,were very popular.Chinese silk was turned into(48)___ evening wear and cloaks by Chinese tailors and seamstresses.
Today there is a culturally diverse Chinese(49)___ in Australia with links to south-eastern China as well as Vietnam and Hong Kong.The Chinese communities in Australia are brought together every year by(50)___ of Lunar New Year.
41-45 KGEBH   46-50 ACJIF
41.K   …after China had __41__ its ports to foreign trade in 1842.根据上下文判断,此处需要从两个动词中选其一,因为后边有介词to,根据固定搭配,“向…开放港口”恰好为“open ports to…”.所以答案为opened.
42.G  合同制的中国劳工(人)以多种身份在澳洲劳作,我们需要从选项中找出表示人(身份)的名词,综上所述,immigrants为最佳选项.
43.E  Due to labour __43__ in West Australia,the Colonial Government organized Chinese contract labour between 1847 and 1898,most working as labourers,cooks and gardeners.西澳大利亚劳动力短缺,所以当时的殖民政府组织中国合同工去澳洲工作,充当廉价劳动力.根据词性和句意,E选项shortages很快能够被选择出来.
44.B  Many Chinese people came from rural backgrounds and brought with them __44__ and water management skills.来自中国农村的劳动力将农业和水管理技巧带到了澳洲.中间有连接词and,前后应该是相似结构和语意,根据上下文判断,与water词义最相关的名词应该是B,agriculture.
45.H  Gold rushes in Victoria in the 1850s and New South Wales in the 1860s significantly __45__ the population of Chinese immigrants in Australia.当年的淘金潮极大地(吸引)了大批中国移民进入澳洲.根据语意,本文要选择一个可以和population搭配的、表示人口增长的动词,故选择H.increased.
46.A   Numbers continued to increase as gold and other __46__ were discovered in Queensland,Northern Territory and Tasmania.中间有连接词and,前后应该是相似结构和语意,根据上下文判断,与gold词义最相关的名词应该是A.minerals.
47.C   时光荏苒,采矿业日渐衰败,所以less后边应该填一个表示正面意义的形容词,选项中C.profitable,D.available,E.fashionable都有这种倾向,但是,available很少用less修饰,fashionable常常用来服饰等,都属于错误的搭配,综上所述,答案是C.profitable.
48.J   明显此空缺的是形容词,可选项只剩D、E.修饰服装,故答案E引刃而解.
49.I   如今在澳洲活跃着一支文化多元的中国人.不定冠词a修饰一个单数可数名词,而且此必定表示人,综上所述,答案为I.
50.F  The Chinese communities in Australia are brought together every year by __50__ of Lunar New Year.新年前需要填一个可以与之搭配的名词,只有F.celebrations最适合.