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怎样理解\"I think ,therefore I exist\" 这句话?要英语的
It is by a very well-known western philosopher called René Descartes (1596-1650) .
But the sentence you listed here is normally translated into :I think ,therefore I am.
People can not deny that they are thinking or perceiving either when they are in reality or when they are in dream.So if they can think or perceive ,it means that they are existing,because only alive people own this ability(think/perceive).
This is a very critical proposition of Descartes .And it is also a truth to him.It especially emphasizes how important the people's thoughts are.To Marxism ,it can be described as idealism which sounds like a very passive notion to those people who believe in Marxism.But actually this kind of outlook over philosophy or society or even life has its own advantages too.It is also very significant to be mentioned and advocated ,which is one of the big reasons that why it is still very famous in many parts of the world nowadays.
But the sentence you listed here is normally translated into :I think ,therefore I am.
People can not deny that they are thinking or perceiving either when they are in reality or when they are in dream.So if they can think or perceive ,it means that they are existing,because only alive people own this ability(think/perceive).
This is a very critical proposition of Descartes .And it is also a truth to him.It especially emphasizes how important the people's thoughts are.To Marxism ,it can be described as idealism which sounds like a very passive notion to those people who believe in Marxism.But actually this kind of outlook over philosophy or society or even life has its own advantages too.It is also very significant to be mentioned and advocated ,which is one of the big reasons that why it is still very famous in many parts of the world nowadays.
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