( )1. Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River?
A. Sun Yat-sen. B. Mao Zedong.
C. Deng Xiaoping. D. A great designer.
( )2. How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in 1993?
A. 1. 2 billion. B. 20 billion.
C. 40 billion. D. About 800 billion.
( )3. What problem does burning coal cause?
A. Air pollution.
B. Increasing global warming.
C. Destroying the balance of nature.
D. Both A and B.
( )4. Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph?
A. The Qu Yuan Temple.
B. The Han Watchtower.
C. The Grand Canal.
D. The Moya Cliff carvings
( )1. Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River?
A. Sun Yat-sen. B. Mao Zedong.
C. Deng Xiaoping. D. A great designer.
( )2. How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in 1993?
A. 1. 2 billion. B. 20 billion.
C. 40 billion. D. About 800 billion.
( )3. What problem does burning coal cause?
A. Air pollution.
B. Increasing global warming.
C. Destroying the balance of nature.
D. Both A and B.
( )4. Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph?
A. The Qu Yuan Temple.
B. The Han Watchtower.
C. The Grand Canal.
D. The Moya Cliff carvings
( )1. Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River?
A. Sun Yat-sen. B. Mao Zedong.
C. Deng Xiaoping. D. A great designer.
( )2. How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in 1993?
A. 1. 2 billion. B. 20 billion.
C. 40 billion. D. About 800 billion.
( )3. What problem does burning coal cause?
A. Air pollution.
B. Increasing global warming.
C. Destroying the balance of nature.
D. Both A and B.
( )4. Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph?
A. The Qu Yuan Temple.
B. The Han Watchtower.
C. The Grand Canal.
D. The Moya Cliff carvings
1-4 BADC
1-4 BADC
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