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I have a friend who had a stammer (口吃) in his childhood but he dreamed of becoming a missionary(传教士). When he told his own desire to his friends and relatives some of them laughed at him and some even held down his enthusiasm       .
"I must change it." said the boy angrily “I believe I can speak very     I will do!"
When it was possible he would spend an hour       to chickens. He viewed the chickens as living persons      himself to be the person in the speech.
"In the beginning the chickens looked so         then they watched me curiously putting down the food in the mouths and listening to my words. It seemed as if they had been          by my powerful and effective language. Sometimes they seemed to be listening to me        . Gradually the effect of this practice became more and more     and I had a better understanding of the exact       of my stammer so I found the ability to speak more."
"You may not know that my father was always tyrannical(专横的). He         believed in the old saying: 'Young man should be more knowledgeable but should not       much.' During the whole childhood     I spoke or commented he criticized me seriously which      my shy personality. I used to worry about being    at so I became a stammerer. From then on I kept       in front of everyone because they didn't want to see my embarrassment. But later I found myself talking in front of chickens stammers disappeared       therefore I regained my    ."
Now the previous boy is the best at speaking and one of the most     missionaries. You can hardly imagine he used to have a serious language      . So when you come across disadvantages you should believe you can      them by yourself.

A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately
A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely
A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking
A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding
A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised
A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced
A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously
A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common
A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm
A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly
A.think B.listen C.play D.talk
A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless
A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to
A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked
A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset
A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally
A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom
A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible
A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study
作业帮用户2017-04-14 举报



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I have a friend who had a stammer (口吃) in his childhood but he dreamed of becoming a missionary(传教士). When he told his own desire to his friends and relatives some of them laughed at him and some even held down his enthusiasm       .
"I must change it." said the boy angrily “I believe I can speak very     I will do!"
When it was possible he would spend an hour       to chickens. He viewed the chickens as living persons      himself to be the person in the speech.
"In the beginning the chickens looked so         then they watched me curiously putting down the food in the mouths and listening to my words. It seemed as if they had been          by my powerful and effective language. Sometimes they seemed to be listening to me        . Gradually the effect of this practice became more and more     and I had a better understanding of the exact       of my stammer so I found the ability to speak more."
"You may not know that my father was always tyrannical(专横的). He         believed in the old saying: 'Young man should be more knowledgeable but should not       much.' During the whole childhood     I spoke or commented he criticized me seriously which      my shy personality. I used to worry about being    at so I became a stammerer. From then on I kept       in front of everyone because they didn't want to see my embarrassment. But later I found myself talking in front of chickens stammers disappeared       therefore I regained my    ."
Now the previous boy is the best at speaking and one of the most     missionaries. You can hardly imagine he used to have a serious language      . So when you come across disadvantages you should believe you can      them by yourself.

A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately
A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely
A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking
A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding
A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised
A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced
A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously
A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common
A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm
A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly
A.think B.listen C.play D.talk
A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless
A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to
A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked
A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset
A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally
A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom
A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible
A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study
作业帮用户2017-04-14 举报



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I have a friend who had a stammer (口吃) in his childhood but he dreamed of becoming a missionary(传教士). When he told his own desire to his friends and relatives some of them laughed at him and some even held down his enthusiasm       .
"I must change it." said the boy angrily “I believe I can speak very     I will do!"
When it was possible he would spend an hour       to chickens. He viewed the chickens as living persons      himself to be the person in the speech.
"In the beginning the chickens looked so         then they watched me curiously putting down the food in the mouths and listening to my words. It seemed as if they had been          by my powerful and effective language. Sometimes they seemed to be listening to me        . Gradually the effect of this practice became more and more     and I had a better understanding of the exact       of my stammer so I found the ability to speak more."
"You may not know that my father was always tyrannical(专横的). He         believed in the old saying: 'Young man should be more knowledgeable but should not       much.' During the whole childhood     I spoke or commented he criticized me seriously which      my shy personality. I used to worry about being    at so I became a stammerer. From then on I kept       in front of everyone because they didn't want to see my embarrassment. But later I found myself talking in front of chickens stammers disappeared       therefore I regained my    ."
Now the previous boy is the best at speaking and one of the most     missionaries. You can hardly imagine he used to have a serious language      . So when you come across disadvantages you should believe you can      them by yourself.

A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately
A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately
A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately
A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately
A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately
A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangely D.privately
A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely
A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely
A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely
A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely
A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely
A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely A.frequently B.fluently C.obviously D.completely
A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking
A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking
A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking
A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking
A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking
A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking A.contributing B.seeing C.turning D.speaking
A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding
A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding
A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding
A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding
A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding
A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding A.imagining B.considering C.declaring D.finding
A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised
A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised
A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised
A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised
A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised
A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised A.satisfied B.pleased C.frightened D.surprised
A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced
A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced
A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced
A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced
A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced
A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced A.attracted B.beaten C.bothered D.influenced
A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously
A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously
A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously
A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously
A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously
A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously A.casually B.carefully C.luckily D.cautiously
A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common
A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common
A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common
A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common
A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common
A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common A.obvious B.slight C.crucial D.common
A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm
A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm
A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm
A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm
A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm
A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm A.effect B.benefit C.cause D.harm
A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly
A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly
A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly
A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly
A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly
A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly A.originally B.personally C.doubtfully D.stubbornly
A.think B.listen C.play D.talk
A.think B.listen C.play D.talk
A.think B.listen C.play D.talk
A.think B.listen C.play D.talk
A.think B.listen C.play D.talk
A.think B.listen C.play D.talk A.think B.listen C.play D.talk A.think B.listen C.play D.talk
A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless
A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless
A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless
A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless
A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless
A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless A.since B.before C.whenever D.unless
A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to
A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to
A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to
A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to
A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to
A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to A.applied to B.led to C.referred to D.owed to
A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked
A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked
A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked
A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked
A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked
A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked A.amazed B.studied C.laughed D.looked
A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset
A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset
A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset
A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset
A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset
A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset A.silent B.active C.noisy D.upset
A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally
A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally
A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally
A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally
A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally
A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally A.logically B.typically C.equally D.naturally
A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom
A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom
A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom
A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom
A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom
A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom A.strength B.dream C.confidence D.freedom
A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible
A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible
A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible
A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible
A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible
A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible A.successful B.intelligent C.modest D.responsible
A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study
A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study
A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study
A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study
A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study
A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study A.gift B.barrier C.ability D.study
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