早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. I would prefer to ride a bicycle rather than __    _ _       _ _       _ _         .(take)
2. Have you ever dreamed of _     _ _          _     _ _          _          _         for further education abroad?(be)
3. _    _ ___ _ _     _ on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself.(determine)
他脸上坚定的表情表明他对自己有充分的 自信.
4. The very first time that Joe saw the film"ET" directed by Steven Spielberg, he _     _ _  __ _     _ _      
become a director, too.(mind)
约瑟天第一次看田史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格执导的电影"ET"的时候, 他就下定决心也要成为一名导演.
5. I know you _    _ _    _ _     _ _      _ icecream, but you will gain weight if you eat too much.(fond)
我知道你喜欢冰淇淋, 但吃太多你会增重的.
6. Lucy trusts you. You are the only person _      _ _    _ _          _     _ _       give up the foolish idea.
露西信任你. 你是唯一能劝服她放弃这个愚蠢的 想法的人.
7. Some students insisted that they __   _ __  _ _     _ but others insisted that they had no interest in it.(hold)
一些学生坚持说他们应该举行个晚会, 但其它的同学则坚持说他们对晚会没有兴趣.
8. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts.The plane _      _ _   __ _   __ .(take)
女士们, 先生们, 请系好你们的安全带, 飞机马上就要起飞了.
9. After he __ __ ____university, the man went to Australia and found a job there.(graduate)
毕业以后, 这个男人就去了澳大利亚, 并在那里找了一份工作.
10. When they knew there was a panda in the zoo, the children_         __        _    _ _         _         _       .
当他们知道动物园里有只大熊猫时, 孩子们迫不及待地想看到它.
1. I would prefer to ride a bicycle rather than __    _ _       _ _       _ _         .(take)
2. Have you ever dreamed of _     _ _          _     _ _          _          _         for further education abroad?(be)
3. _    _ ___ _ _     _ on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself.(determine)
他脸上坚定的表情表明他对自己有充分的 自信.
4. The very first time that Joe saw the film"ET" directed by Steven Spielberg, he _     _ _  __ _     _ _      
become a director, too.(mind)
约瑟天第一次看田史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格执导的电影"ET"的时候, 他就下定决心也要成为一名导演.
5. I know you _    _ _    _ _     _ _      _ icecream, but you will gain weight if you eat too much.(fond)
我知道你喜欢冰淇淋, 但吃太多你会增重的.
6. Lucy trusts you. You are the only person _      _ _    _ _          _     _ _       give up the foolish idea.
露西信任你. 你是唯一能劝服她放弃这个愚蠢的 想法的人.
7. Some students insisted that they __   _ __  _ _     _ but others insisted that they had no interest in it.(hold)
一些学生坚持说他们应该举行个晚会, 但其它的同学则坚持说他们对晚会没有兴趣.
8. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts.The plane _      _ _   __ _   __ .(take)
女士们, 先生们, 请系好你们的安全带, 飞机马上就要起飞了.
9. After he __ __ ____university, the man went to Australia and found a job there.(graduate)
毕业以后, 这个男人就去了澳大利亚, 并在那里找了一份工作.
10. When they knew there was a panda in the zoo, the children_         __        _    _ _         _         _       .
当他们知道动物园里有只大熊猫时, 孩子们迫不及待地想看到它.
1. I would prefer to ride a bicycle rather than __    _ _       _ _       _ _         .(take)
2. Have you ever dreamed of _     _ _          _     _ _          _          _         for further education abroad?(be)
3. _    _ ___ _ _     _ on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself.(determine)
他脸上坚定的表情表明他对自己有充分的 自信.
4. The very first time that Joe saw the film"ET" directed by Steven Spielberg, he _     _ _  __ _     _ _      
become a director, too.(mind)
约瑟天第一次看田史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格执导的电影"ET"的时候, 他就下定决心也要成为一名导演.
5. I know you _    _ _    _ _     _ _      _ icecream, but you will gain weight if you eat too much.(fond)
我知道你喜欢冰淇淋, 但吃太多你会增重的.
6. Lucy trusts you. You are the only person _      _ _    _ _          _     _ _       give up the foolish idea.
露西信任你. 你是唯一能劝服她放弃这个愚蠢的 想法的人.
7. Some students insisted that they __   _ __  _ _     _ but others insisted that they had no interest in it.(hold)
一些学生坚持说他们应该举行个晚会, 但其它的同学则坚持说他们对晚会没有兴趣.
8. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts.The plane _      _ _   __ _   __ .(take)
女士们, 先生们, 请系好你们的安全带, 飞机马上就要起飞了.
9. After he __ __ ____university, the man went to Australia and found a job there.(graduate)
毕业以后, 这个男人就去了澳大利亚, 并在那里找了一份工作.
10. When they knew there was a panda in the zoo, the children_         __        _    _ _         _         _       .
当他们知道动物园里有只大熊猫时, 孩子们迫不及待地想看到它. 完成句子
1. I would prefer to ride a bicycle rather than __    _ _       _ _       _ _         .(take)
2. Have you ever dreamed of _     _ _          _     _ _          _          _         for further education abroad?(be)
3. _    _ ___ _ _     _ on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself.(determine)
他脸上坚定的表情表明他对自己有充分的 自信.
4. The very first time that Joe saw the film"ET" directed by Steven Spielberg, he _     _ _  __ _     _ _      
become a director, too.(mind)
约瑟天第一次看田史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格执导的电影"ET"的时候, 他就下定决心也要成为一名导演.
5. I know you _    _ _    _ _     _ _      _ icecream, but you will gain weight if you eat too much.(fond)
我知道你喜欢冰淇淋, 但吃太多你会增重的.
6. Lucy trusts you. You are the only person _      _ _    _ _          _     _ _       give up the foolish idea.
露西信任你. 你是唯一能劝服她放弃这个愚蠢的 想法的人.
7. Some students insisted that they __   _ __  _ _     _ but others insisted that they had no interest in it.(hold)
一些学生坚持说他们应该举行个晚会, 但其它的同学则坚持说他们对晚会没有兴趣.
8. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts.The plane _      _ _   __ _   __ .(take)
女士们, 先生们, 请系好你们的安全带, 飞机马上就要起飞了.
9. After he __ __ ____university, the man went to Australia and found a job there.(graduate)
毕业以后, 这个男人就去了澳大利亚, 并在那里找了一份工作.
10. When they knew there was a panda in the zoo, the children_         __        _    _ _         _         _       .
当他们知道动物园里有只大熊猫时, 孩子们迫不及待地想看到它. 完成句子
1. I would prefer to ride a bicycle rather than __    _ _       _ _       _ _         .(take)
2. Have you ever dreamed of _     _ _          _     _ _          _          _         for further education abroad?(be)
3. _    _ ___ _ _     _ on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself.(determine)
他脸上坚定的表情表明他对自己有充分的 自信.
4. The very first time that Joe saw the film"ET" directed by Steven Spielberg, he _     _ _  __ _     _ _      
become a director, too.(mind)
约瑟天第一次看田史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格执导的电影"ET"的时候, 他就下定决心也要成为一名导演.
5. I know you _    _ _    _ _     _ _      _ icecream, but you will gain weight if you eat too much.(fond)
我知道你喜欢冰淇淋, 但吃太多你会增重的.
6. Lucy trusts you. You are the only person _      _ _    _ _          _     _ _       give up the foolish idea.
露西信任你. 你是唯一能劝服她放弃这个愚蠢的 想法的人.
7. Some students insisted that they __   _ __  _ _     _ but others insisted that they had no interest in it.(hold)
一些学生坚持说他们应该举行个晚会, 但其它的同学则坚持说他们对晚会没有兴趣.
8. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts.The plane _      _ _   __ _   __ .(take)
女士们, 先生们, 请系好你们的安全带, 飞机马上就要起飞了.
9. After he __ __ ____university, the man went to Australia and found a job there.(graduate)
毕业以后, 这个男人就去了澳大利亚, 并在那里找了一份工作.
10. When they knew there was a panda in the zoo, the children_         __        _    _ _         _         _       .
当他们知道动物园里有只大熊猫时, 孩子们迫不及待地想看到它.
__    _       _       _ _        

_     _        _     _                        

_    _ _     _

_     _ _  __ _     _      

_    _ _    _ _     _ _      _

_      _ _    _        _     _      

__   _ __  _ _     _

_      _ _   __ _   __

            _    _              _      

1. take a crowded bus
2. there being such a good chance
3. The determined look/expression
4. made up his mind to
5. are very fond of
6. who can persuade her to
7. (should) hold a party
8. is taking off
9. graduated from
10. could hardly wait to see it
1. take a crowded bus
2. there being such a good chance
3. The determined look/expression
4. made up his mind to
5. are very fond of
6. who can persuade her to
7. (should) hold a party
8. is taking off
9. graduated from
10. could hardly wait to see it 1. take a crowded bus
2. there being such a good chance
3. The determined look/expression
4. made up his mind to
5. are very fond of
6. who can persuade her to
7. (should) hold a party
8. is taking off
9. graduated from
10. could hardly wait to see it 1. take a crowded bus
2. there being such a good chance
3. The determined look/expression
4. made up his mind to
5. are very fond of
6. who can persuade her to
7. (should) hold a party
8. is taking off
9. graduated from
10. could hardly wait to see it 1. take a crowded bus
2. there being such a good chance
3. The determined look/expression
4. made up his mind to
5. are very fond of
6. who can persuade her to
7. (should) hold a party
8. is taking off
9. graduated from
10. could hardly wait to see it
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