早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
谁有英文绕口令啊.单词最好超简单的.中等长度大概7 8句话、 好懂一点的
I try to do my best each day,
in my work and in my play.
And if I always do my best,
I needn’t worry about my test.
You cross a cross across a cross,
Or cross a stick across a stick,
Or cross a stick across a cross,
Or stick a stick across a stick,
Or stick a cross across a cross,
Or stick a cross across a stick,
Or stick a stick across a cross,
What a waste of time!
This fish has a thin fin,
that fish has a fat fin;
This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.
The cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies.
Did the cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies?
If the cute cookie cutters cut cuter cookies,
Where are the cute cookies the cute cookie cutter cut?
Mister Brown
Mister Brown
Are you going down to town?
Could you stop and take me town?
See you around Mister Brown.
in my work and in my play.
And if I always do my best,
I needn’t worry about my test.
You cross a cross across a cross,
Or cross a stick across a stick,
Or cross a stick across a cross,
Or stick a stick across a stick,
Or stick a cross across a cross,
Or stick a cross across a stick,
Or stick a stick across a cross,
What a waste of time!
This fish has a thin fin,
that fish has a fat fin;
This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.
The cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies.
Did the cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies?
If the cute cookie cutters cut cuter cookies,
Where are the cute cookies the cute cookie cutter cut?
Mister Brown
Mister Brown
Are you going down to town?
Could you stop and take me town?
See you around Mister Brown.
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