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高中生挑战北大教授,你真觉得好吗?请以李华的名义给高泽林同学写一封信表达自己的看法.(提示词:四大名著:four great classical novels)
Dear Zelin Gao,
I am a high school student of the same age with you.___
Yours truly,
Li Hua.
高中生挑战北大教授,你真觉得好吗?请以李华的名义给高泽林同学写一封信表达自己的看法.(提示词:四大名著:four great classical novels)
Dear Zelin Gao,
I am a high school student of the same age with you.___
Yours truly,
Li Hua.
Dear Zelin Gao,
I am a high school student of the same age with you.Recently,your debate about four great classical novels with the professor of Peking University has become a hot topic on the Internet.(高分句型一)I am writing to share some ideas with you.
In my opinion,four great classical novels are the precious culture treasure of our nation as well as the greatest and most influential works among the literary circle of China.(高分句型二)As a result,we can learn the meaning of love,loyalty and wisdom.However,only when we establish the correct sense in these aspects can we resist the wrong social trend in the future.(高分句型三)I have learnt a lot from your article and hope to have a further discussion with you about reading and other aspects.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
I am a high school student of the same age with you.Recently,your debate about four great classical novels with the professor of Peking University has become a hot topic on the Internet.(高分句型一)I am writing to share some ideas with you.
In my opinion,four great classical novels are the precious culture treasure of our nation as well as the greatest and most influential works among the literary circle of China.(高分句型二)As a result,we can learn the meaning of love,loyalty and wisdom.However,only when we establish the correct sense in these aspects can we resist the wrong social trend in the future.(高分句型三)I have learnt a lot from your article and hope to have a further discussion with you about reading and other aspects.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
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