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     The Notting Hill Camival (诺丁山狂欢节) has been taking
place in London on the last weekend in August every year since
       This great festival began with the Black immigrants(黑人移
民) from the Caribbean particularly from Trinidad where the
Camival tradition is very strong. People there dreamed of creating
a festival to fight against racism (种族主义).  At that time they
didn't have working opportunities and their housing conditions were
      This holiday always falls on the last weekend of August with
Sunday and Monday being the major camival days. There are
scores of massive" sound systems"   many beautiful and big floats
 (游行彩车)  and steel drum bands (钢鼓乐队).  There are
hundreds of stalls (货摊)  along the streets of the area selling all
sorts of food and drink including Caribbean specialties (特产).
     Dressed in different colors hundreds of children get the
parade under way on Sunday ahead of more than 100 floats and
thousands of performers who will stage the main parade on
Monday. Party-goers will eat drink and dance their way through
the streets.
    The camival which takes place in the streets of the west
London district was made famous by the movie Notting Hill
starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Crant. It has become one of the
most celebrated symbols of multicultural Britain.
1.  According to the passage   the Notting Hill Camival usually lasts _____.
A. a week                                
B. two days
C. a month                            
D. a year
2. The Camival tradition originated from _____.
A.  London                              
B.  the Caribbean
C.  America                            
D.  Afric
3. You can watch the Camival performance in _____.
A. the street                              
B. the cinema
C. the hall                        
D. the bar
4. From the passage we can learn that the Notting Hill Carnival   _____.
A. takes place every other year
B. has a history of over half a century
C. features dance drum bands fine food and beautiful colors
D. was started by Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant
     The Notting Hill Camival (诺丁山狂欢节) has been taking
place in London on the last weekend in August every year since
       This great festival began with the Black immigrants(黑人移
民) from the Caribbean particularly from Trinidad where the
Camival tradition is very strong. People there dreamed of creating
a festival to fight against racism (种族主义).  At that time they
didn't have working opportunities and their housing conditions were
      This holiday always falls on the last weekend of August with
Sunday and Monday being the major camival days. There are
scores of massive" sound systems"   many beautiful and big floats
 (游行彩车)  and steel drum bands (钢鼓乐队).  There are
hundreds of stalls (货摊)  along the streets of the area selling all
sorts of food and drink including Caribbean specialties (特产).
     Dressed in different colors hundreds of children get the
parade under way on Sunday ahead of more than 100 floats and
thousands of performers who will stage the main parade on
Monday. Party-goers will eat drink and dance their way through
the streets.
    The camival which takes place in the streets of the west
London district was made famous by the movie Notting Hill
starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Crant. It has become one of the
most celebrated symbols of multicultural Britain.
1.  According to the passage   the Notting Hill Camival usually lasts _____.
A. a week                                
B. two days
C. a month                            
D. a year
2. The Camival tradition originated from _____.
A.  London                              
B.  the Caribbean
C.  America                            
D.  Afric
3. You can watch the Camival performance in _____.
A. the street                              
B. the cinema
C. the hall                        
D. the bar
4. From the passage we can learn that the Notting Hill Carnival   _____.
A. takes place every other year
B. has a history of over half a century
C. features dance drum bands fine food and beautiful colors
D. was started by Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant
     The Notting Hill Camival (诺丁山狂欢节) has been taking
place in London on the last weekend in August every year since
       This great festival began with the Black immigrants(黑人移
民) from the Caribbean particularly from Trinidad where the
Camival tradition is very strong. People there dreamed of creating
a festival to fight against racism (种族主义).  At that time they
didn't have working opportunities and their housing conditions were
      This holiday always falls on the last weekend of August with
Sunday and Monday being the major camival days. There are
scores of massive" sound systems"   many beautiful and big floats
 (游行彩车)  and steel drum bands (钢鼓乐队).  There are
hundreds of stalls (货摊)  along the streets of the area selling all
sorts of food and drink including Caribbean specialties (特产).
     Dressed in different colors hundreds of children get the
parade under way on Sunday ahead of more than 100 floats and
thousands of performers who will stage the main parade on
Monday. Party-goers will eat drink and dance their way through
the streets.
    The camival which takes place in the streets of the west
London district was made famous by the movie Notting Hill
starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Crant. It has become one of the
most celebrated symbols of multicultural Britain.

1.  According to the passage   the Notting Hill Camival usually lasts _____.
A. a week                                
B. two days
C. a month                            
D. a year

2. The Camival tradition originated from _____.
A.  London                              
B.  the Caribbean
C.  America                            
D.  Afric

3. You can watch the Camival performance in _____.
A. the street                              
B. the cinema
C. the hall                        
D. the bar

4. From the passage we can learn that the Notting Hill Carnival   _____.
A. takes place every other year
B. has a history of over half a century
C. features dance drum bands fine food and beautiful colors
D. was started by Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant


1-4: BBAC

1-4: BBAC

1-4: BBAC

1-4: BBAC
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