早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


part1:讲的还可以 但有一处停顿
part2:topic 是picnic 我说了graduation ceremony 时和同学去picnic 但用词不是太深 另外有一两处时态错误
part3 发挥的很好 考官问我了一些野餐的好处坏处 我说 好处 breath fresh air because trees are plants which can produce oxygen through photosynthesis ,close to environment 坏处 bbq can cause fire in forest and produce carbon dioxide and even carbon monoxide
又问了 古人和今人的饮食习惯不同 哪个健康 我说 Chinese ancestors can not afford to buy meat ,they can only have vegetables,it is not good but nowadays we eat too much meat and even red meat , as a result we are getting fatter and fatter.
还问了 健康下降对社会的影响 我说 if public helth getting worse , the cost of health care may increase which means government may imply more tax on citizens which leads to decreasing living standard among them
这样能考多少分? 语言挺流畅.
part 3 里的回答 只是简答 实际我答的比上面写的多