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人不知足 才能进步 辩论英语
本人一辩 要英文的 2分钟左右 正方是知足常乐 本人是人不知足才能不断进步 不要别人那里随便贴过来的
完全自己写的作文.辛苦劳动啊.不要看也不看就扔了.绝对好文章啊.本人英语系的,语法错误可能有,但是肯定很少,时间肯定能讲到了吧,在word上写的,统计了一下445 words~
My point of view is that we shouldn’t be content with our status quo,and then we will make progress and move forward.
First of all,one can only make progress by a specific goal they want to achieve.For example,a baby learns to walk because he want to be independent of his parents to go around,and go anywhere by himself.Just for this goal,he learns walking.He makes progress.He can walk now instead of crawling because he want to be independent upon others.Only if you want to buy a car like others,then you will try your best to achieve this goal.In fact,this goal comes from your dissatisfaction with your status quo.
Secondly,only by impulse can a person move forward.Your dissatisfaction is just like an impulse to push you forward.Only if you don’t like your house,then you will work hard to earn much more money to change your house.Only if you are not satisfied with your oral English,you will improve it.And only if you don’t feel so good about your study,you will study hard to get a higher score.All these just prove one truth (读这里要加重,而且停顿一下) is that your dissatisfaction with your status quo will make you move forward.
What’s more?Look back to the long river of history,if our ancestors are always satisfied with their status quo,can our human beings make so great progress throughout the history?If people thought the candle is good enough,can they invent the electric bulb?If people believed that carriage is the best,can they invent the train,ship or plane or any other transportation tools?The answer is obviously not.If our ancestors were satisfied with their lives,then we may still live in the primitive society when people wore the animals’ skins and slept on the straws.
Then,some people may challenge me that if people are always dissatisfied with their status quo,they may feel unhappy.And Chinese old saying goes that happiness lies in contentment.Yes,at first he may be very happy because he needn’t to make efforts to improve.But I dare to ask you how one can feel happy if he found at last that he had been lag behind others with a long long long distance.(加强语气) It’s impossible for a person to feel he is still happy after finding out the fact that he has been kicked out of the game.
To sum up,my view is that progress lies in discontentment.