早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The great people in my heart.要记入档案哦,加油啊.
The great people in my heart.要记入档案哦,加油啊.
In my mind, Princess Diana was just like an angel because she did a lot of charities. Princess Diana’s image could do a lot to help a charity and she supported more than 100 of them while she was married. Her particular interests were the homeless, disable people, children and pedd with AIDS. After her marriage ended, Diana gave up most of her official charity work to focus on charities and causes where she felt she had the most knowledge and could be of the most help. These charities included a charity for the homeless, the English National Ballet, the National AIDS Trust, two hospitals and the Leprosy Mission. In the year before her death, Diana was actively involved in a campaign for a worldwide ban on the manufacture and use of landmines. She really did a lot of good work for the anti-landmine campaign.
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