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Why does Haier set up a plant in the USA?

Firstly, Haier is to exploit market in the United States. China 1998 and 1999 refrigerator export to the USA was valued at USD47.18 million and USD60.81 million, respectively, of which Haier products was USD17 million and USA31 million each. However, it was difficult to ship large volume Haier refrigerators to the United States due to the long distance between the two nations. The successful operation of Haier America plant has helped Haier to reorganize its production structure and to expand its market share in the United States.

Secondly, it can effectively avoid non-tariff barrier of international trade to operate a manufacture plant in the United States. Some other problems, such as technical barrier, would not be easily solved even if China becomes a WTO member. Haier believes that the key to further exploit American market is to reduce the cost for entering American market.

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