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Today the weather for (城市) is (城市的天气), with a high of (最高温度) and a low of (最低温度). (如果还有其他城市就用同样的句子,从The weather...开始)
Overall the weather is (总体的天气), there is 【a bit of(少量)/quite a strong(蛮强的)/very strong(十分强的)】 wind, and the humidity level is 【weak/medium/strong (低/中/高的湿度)】.
Now lets look at the weather forcast for the upcoming few days. On the (第几天), the weather is (天气), on the following day the weather is (下一天的天气), 【on the day after that the weather is(再下一天的天气).(可以重复这一段继续介绍多几天)】 and on (其它城市) the weather is (其他城市的天气),on the following day the weather is (下一天的天气), 【on the day after that the weather is(再下一天的天气).(可以重复这一段继续介绍多几天)】. Overall for the weather of the following (星期/三天/等等等等) is quite 【nice/bad/cold/warm/sunny/rainy(总结一下)】.
看了 新闻一般结束后要介绍天气预报...的网友还看了以下: