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英语对话题( 高难度的 )
一 、a :" H i ,Jane ,where wi l l you going today evening "
b :" i 'i i going to ( ) to see my uncl e ,he lived there for a long time ,"
a / Chongqing b/Bei jing c /Si chuan d /Suzhou
a :" how did you get there "
d :" ( ) ,my father is a driver ,he is good at make a drive .but now we plan to going there by the tube ."
a / by plane b / by train c by / car d by / subway
a :" oh ,it's place of interest of PING LE anci ent town ,ti's too fun ,you wi l l have a good time on there ,"
b :" Em .by the way ,what do you think of my new sh i r t i wi l l try it to there "
a :" it's A looks ( ) " ,you can Facing the M i rror to wear "
a / malformed b / pueri l e c / archai c d / voguish
b :" i know .it maybe too unbefitting,think you ."
a :" you're welcome "
1c /Si chuan 平乐古镇位于四川成都.
2 d by / subway 做高铁 by the tube 通过管子.
3 d / voguish 时髦的流行的
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