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my view on tese oriented education 就是关于中国的应试教育.你可以说好或者不好.
大哥 可是能把汉语也给我么 我翻译也有问题。呵呵,这样还参加全市比赛,不好意思啊
Test orieted education is the fastest way to destroy creativity and origination of students on every level, not to mention it will make students indifferent to the subjects of their studies, therefore lost any interest in further exploration of the unknown on themselves. Until now the purpose of education in China is still heavely influenced by Socialism ideology that is to forge young men and women into bolts and nuts for an occupation destinated by the state, regardless their own penchant in a subject. The dummies churned out under test oriented education will be totally disoriented and incompetent in a free market economy.