早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Dear Mr.wood,
How are everything with you?I'm writing to tell you that there is going to be a
8000-metre race on the after noon of May 15 if it won't rain.The race sill start at
2:00 pm.We'll run along the People's Street to the traffic lights and then turning
right.We'll go on running until we reach the post office and turn tight again.
After taken the second turning on the right,we'll go on along the river and finallyh
return back to the school.Ten srudents of each class are asked to take part the race.
Teachers are welcome,too.
If you join in us,be sure to get to the playground before 1:30pm.Please ring me up
and tell me if you sill come ,do you?
Yours truly,
Li Ming
1.How are everything → How is everything
2.a 8000-metre race →an 8000-metre race
3.it won't rain → it doesn't rain
4.then turning right → then turn right
5.After taken the second turning → After taking the second turning
6.return back to the school → return to the school
7.take part the race → take part in the race
8.join in us →join us
9.do you?→will you?
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