早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
求一个以LOVE 为主题的英语对话 两分钟的 简洁点的 速求
A:Nowadays,it seems that everything is changing rapidly.
B:Sure,even the love.What do you think of love?
A:Usually,love refers to the passion between male and female.But generally speaking,it refers to the inner warm feeling between children and parents,wife and husband,even teachers and students.
B:Have you found that such kind of general love is changing?
A:Needless to say,it is also changing.Some of the love cannot be called love any longer.The relation between people is changing with the development of the society and the modern science as well.
B:An example?
A:Well,let's say love between a man and a lady.More and more young people are talking about houses,cars and income before their marriages.
B:I t sounds terrible.No pure love at all.
B:Sure,even the love.What do you think of love?
A:Usually,love refers to the passion between male and female.But generally speaking,it refers to the inner warm feeling between children and parents,wife and husband,even teachers and students.
B:Have you found that such kind of general love is changing?
A:Needless to say,it is also changing.Some of the love cannot be called love any longer.The relation between people is changing with the development of the society and the modern science as well.
B:An example?
A:Well,let's say love between a man and a lady.More and more young people are talking about houses,cars and income before their marriages.
B:I t sounds terrible.No pure love at all.
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