早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Write a letter for Marks & Spencer Co.14 Maple Street,London to Chinese supplier,China Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp.Beijing Branch, confirming an order for 1,000 DVD players. The letter should be written according to the instructions mentioned below.
1. 谢谢对方4月4日报价和寄来的样品
2. 认为对方的DVD机品质优良,价格合理
3. 随信附寄1,000台DVD机的订单一份,订单号为LK150
4. 要求6月底前交货,不可转船
5. 由于客户急需该货,希望尽快交货
Write a letter for Marks & Spencer Co.14 Maple Street,London to Chinese supplier,China Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp.Beijing Branch, confirming an order for 1,000 DVD players. The letter should be written according to the instructions mentioned below.
1. 谢谢对方4月4日报价和寄来的样品
2. 认为对方的DVD机品质优良,价格合理
3. 随信附寄1,000台DVD机的订单一份,订单号为LK150
4. 要求6月底前交货,不可转船
5. 由于客户急需该货,希望尽快交货
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your quotation and the samples dated April 4,and your DVD players are high in quality and reasonable in price.
Enclosed is our No.LK150 order for 100 sets of DVD players.The goods must be delivered before the end of June and transhipment is not allowed.As customers are in urgent need of the goods,we hope you can deliver the goods without delay.
Best regards.
Thank you for your quotation and the samples dated April 4,and your DVD players are high in quality and reasonable in price.
Enclosed is our No.LK150 order for 100 sets of DVD players.The goods must be delivered before the end of June and transhipment is not allowed.As customers are in urgent need of the goods,we hope you can deliver the goods without delay.
Best regards.
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