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not receiving ,not having received a reply.He decided to write again.
在这个题里not receiving ,not having received应该选啥,
not receiving ,not having received有啥不同.
选择not having received.
题目意思:(因为)还没有收到回复(或者说答复、回信),他决定再写(一封信).这里not having received是现在分词(否定式)做状语,表示原因.由于后面说“再写一封信”,所以应当是由于“直到现在还没有收到答复”,用not receiving从语法说没有问题,但是从意思上来讲不够妥当,它只是笼通地说没有什么,或者不是正在如何,并不包含“直到现在如何”的意思.而本句的原因则需要强调直到现在还没有收到.所以应当选择not having received.
其实如果注意答题技巧,这个题目不难.你可以将现在分词还原为复合句,看哪一个更妥贴.如果还原为复合句则为:Because he have not received a reply,he decided to write again.显然十分合适.
如果选择not receiving,则应当是Because he is not receiving a reply,he decided to write again.
或者Because does not receive a reply,he decided to write again.显然都不合适