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用括号内动词的正确形式填空 I ____(1 apply) for a telephone over a year age
Dear Sir I _______(1 apple) for a telephone over a year ago .I_______(2 fill) in a from and______(3 pay ) a deposit .You ________( 4 promise) to install a phone at once,but I am still waiting .Up till now ,I __________(5 write ) to you eight times and I ______(6 visit) your offices three times .You always reply that I can expect a phone soon .How soon is ' soon Please tell me when you can let me have a phone .There's no need to write.Just give me a ring .I________(7 wait) long enough!用一句话概括这封信的矛盾之处___________________________________________________________
1.applied2.filled3.paid4.promised5.have written6.have visited7.have waitedThere's no need to write. Just give me a ring 意思是作者不想再奔波了,要Sir给他打电话 ,可作者还没装电话.The author wants a call from the man,but the author has no phone
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