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Last Friday I had difficulties taking my English test. I found it was the most difficult test I have ever taken. I entered the examination room at eight and did not come out until the bell rang.

Earlier I had taken many tests yet at no test I feel time so limited as this one. Usually there is many time for me to go over that I have written when I finish the test. But this time the test was so difficult that I did everything in a much slower speed than usual. At the time when I began to do reading comprehension which usually takes me half an hour there were only 20 minutes leaving but I still had to write a composition. Maybe all of your efforts were made in a vain. It would be terribly if I got no grades after working so hard.


Last Friday I had difficulties taking my English test. I found it was the most difficult test I have ever

difficulty                                                  had

taken. I entered the examination room at eight and did not come out until the bell rang.

Earlier I had taken many tests yet at no test ∧ I feel time so limited as this one. Usually there is many

                                    did                                       much

time for me to go over that I have written when I finish the test. But this time the test was so difficult that


I did everything in a much slower speed than usual.  At the time when I began to do reading


comprehension which usually takes me half an hour there were only 20 minutes leaving but I still had


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