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Dear Susan

    Thank you for your letter. Due to the fact that I am on business in another city I couldn’t reply your letter directly after I received it. Now I am writing to tell you what my city has done to reduce traffic jams in the last few years.

    First of all four subways and some expressways have been built in my city to ease the heavy traffic. Second public transportation has been improved to make convenient for people to take buses. However the parking fee is raised in the downtown it helps to reduce the number of cars come in and out.

    Now there are more buses and few cars in my city. The traffic is flowing smooth during the rush hour.

    Can you tell me everything about the traffic in your city? Expecting for your reply!


                                                         Li Hua


Dear Susan

Thank you for your letter. Due to the fact that I am on business in another city I couldn’t


reply ∧your letter directly after I received it. Now I am writing to tell you what my city has done


to reduce traffic jams in the last few years.

First of all four subways and some expressways have been built in my city to ease the heavy

traffic. Second public transportation has been improved to make convenient for people to take


buses. However the parking fee is raised in the downtown it helps to reduce the number of

Besides/Furthermore/moreover/Additionally            which        

cars come in and out.


Now there are more buses and few cars in my city. The traffic is flowing smooth during the


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