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大学英语综合教程2,5-8综合题作文题目:where to invest your money.马上考试了,请赐教
the first survey "which Asian cuntry has the best investment prospects in the next five year" 答案china 71.01%
Another survey,“which Asian business sector offers the investment prospects in the next five yesrs” education investment promising reached 31.91%,
Where to invest your money
Responses to two tables show the two questions here: Which Asian country has the best investment prospects in the nest five years and which Asian business sector offers the best investment prospects in the nest five years?
From table 1 we can see that an over two-thirds majority of the respondents think that China has the best investment prospects. Next to China comes Singapore, followed by Japan and India, but the gap between them and China is too large to be overlooked. The percentage of respondents choosing Korea,Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam is even smaller. Therefore, China is by far the most ideal place to make investments over the nest five years.
Table 2 represents responses to the second question. Almost one third of the respondents chose hi-tech industry as the business sector to offer the best investment prospects in the next five years. Following closely behind are telecommunications and banks and financial institutions. However, the percentages for natural resources,transportation and retail are much smaller. Based on these respondents forecast, it is natural to conclude that if you have money and look for investment opportunities, you'd better go to China, and invest preferably in the hi-tech industry, telecommunications, banks, or financial institutions.