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Smile is an attitude
It is often said,"wear a smile,less ten years."Smiling is a human instinct,everyone will laugh at,but not good at smiling.The laughs can there be happiness in life,it makes our life is full of sunshine.Actually,sometimes smiling at tude.
When you are down,friends will let you pick a knowing smile,will let you have the driving force.Smiled a silent intimate language,are friends of your attitude.
When you do not answer the questions,the teacher an encouraging smile,makes you confident,make you feel warm,you're not worried,in fact,no big deal.Smile is a silent and moving music.Is the teacher's attitude towards you recognized.
Under your breath while running on the track,the students stood on the finish line to give you a smile,even if you're exhausted,you are you still trying to Sprint.Smile is an expression of character,is a student's attitude towards you.
In a crowd when you step on someone else,others don't care for your smile,and I think this is the attitude of tolerance.Smile live in bright sunshine.
Sang with his wife is China's gymnasts.Had a meet I unfortunately get hurt,during the course of treatment,she did not flow through the tears.Her face always emerges bright smile,her face is optimistic attitude to life.
Through the details in the life,I realized that the smile does not claim to elegant show,it is an attitude,a face of suffering,can face attitude.So I would like to start with a smile,so I like to smile at my departure,more people seeding.
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