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What do you think of the higher education in china
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As a Chinese student,I want to put forward some of my opinions on the issue about chinese education.
As we all know,the enrollment of the chinese school was single:the entrance examinations,but now it is in the process of changing and there are more and more different ways to the schools.So it offers a more multiple forms for every distinct student.
But a problem does still exist.It is that all pay too much attention to the scores and look down upon the importance of other abilities.
All in all,chinese education is still growing better,and it needs the cares from all parts in the country.
As we all know,the enrollment of the chinese school was single:the entrance examinations,but now it is in the process of changing and there are more and more different ways to the schools.So it offers a more multiple forms for every distinct student.
But a problem does still exist.It is that all pay too much attention to the scores and look down upon the importance of other abilities.
All in all,chinese education is still growing better,and it needs the cares from all parts in the country.
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