早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Match the musical terms to the definitions below
Flat Quarter Rest Fermata Eighth Note
HalfNote Time signature Repeat Sign Pick-Up Notes
Key Signature S harp Sign Dotted HalfNote Dynamics
Leger Line
1.A_______ gets one beat of silence in time.
2.The__________ tells you how many beats are in a bar and what gets one beat.
3.________means hold the note or rest longer than normal.
4.A________ raises a note one half step.
5 A_________ equal to two beats in time.
6.A_________ gets three beats in time.
7.When you see a_________ it means play that section of music again.
8.When you play a loud volume in your music,you are playing _____.
9.The______ tells you what notes are sharp or flat in your music.
11.To write notes above or below the staff you use_____ ______.
12.A_______ lowers a note or pitch one half step.
13.A_________ is one or more notes that come before the first full bar or measure..
Match the musical terms to the definitions below
Flat Quarter Rest Fermata Eighth Note
HalfNote Time signature Repeat Sign Pick-Up Notes
Key Signature S harp Sign Dotted HalfNote Dynamics
Leger Line
1.A_______ gets one beat of silence in time.
2.The__________ tells you how many beats are in a bar and what gets one beat.
3.________means hold the note or rest longer than normal.
4.A________ raises a note one half step.
5 A_________ equal to two beats in time.
6.A_________ gets three beats in time.
7.When you see a_________ it means play that section of music again.
8.When you play a loud volume in your music,you are playing _____.
9.The______ tells you what notes are sharp or flat in your music.
11.To write notes above or below the staff you use_____ ______.
12.A_______ lowers a note or pitch one half step.
13.A_________ is one or more notes that come before the first full bar or measure..
1.Quarter Rest
4.Sharp Sign
5.half notes
6.dotted half note
7.repeat sign
9.key signature
11.leger line
13.pick-up notes
4.Sharp Sign
5.half notes
6.dotted half note
7.repeat sign
9.key signature
11.leger line
13.pick-up notes
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