早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
你打算如何处理这只小狗?(deal with)机场快线(the Airport Express)要在隧道中穿行20千米 (through)那个人为什么老盯着你看?你认识他吗?(stare at)西蒙拿起电话,迅速拨打了119 (pick up,dial)今天早上,我听到一男一女在马路上争吵 (shout at)今天早上,我碰到了一件怪事.我听到有人叫我的名字,但当我转身时,却没有看到任何人 (happen to)下车的时候,我发现我的钱包不见了 (as,get off,gone)史密斯先生走在前面,后面跟着他的四名学生 (go after)
你打算如何处理这只小狗?(deal with)机场快线(the Airport Express)要在隧道中穿行20千米 (through)那个人为什么老盯着你看?你认识他吗?(stare at)西蒙拿起电话,迅速拨打了119 (pick up,dial)今天早上,我听到一男一女在马路上争吵 (shout at)今天早上,我碰到了一件怪事.我听到有人叫我的名字,但当我转身时,却没有看到任何人 (happen to)下车的时候,我发现我的钱包不见了 (as,get off,gone)史密斯先生走在前面,后面跟着他的四名学生 (go after)
How are you going to deal with this little dog?Airport express line in the tunnel through 20 kilometers
That man why do they always staring at you? you know him?
Simon picked up the phone and quickly dialed a 119
This morning i heard a man and woman on the road to quarrel
This morning i met a strange thing. i heard someone calling my name, but when i turned, he didn't see anyone
Off, i found my purse missing
Mr smith left, followed by four of his students
That man why do they always staring at you? you know him?
Simon picked up the phone and quickly dialed a 119
This morning i heard a man and woman on the road to quarrel
This morning i met a strange thing. i heard someone calling my name, but when i turned, he didn't see anyone
Off, i found my purse missing
Mr smith left, followed by four of his students
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