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今年四月份,市启动了“文明餐桌行动”,号召全体市民“文明用餐,节俭惜福”。请以“Save Food and Eat Healthily”为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。

waste too much   eat up all the food    eat junk food      eat a balanced diet

Aiming at some bad eating habits among the citizens, our government has taken some actions to urge people to save food and eat healthily. What we can do is listed as follows.
Wasting too much is quite common nowadays. The food that people didn’t eat up in the restaurants is just poured or dropped in the trash bins, which is a serious waste. Instead, we are supposed to eat up all the food in our plates so that we can save both food and our own money. Besides, junk food is something popular among young people. In fact, it really does harm to our health. So it’s really necessary for us to eat a balanced diet. Only when we eat healthily, can we be energetic enough to study and work well.
All in all, keeping a good habit in eating is something necessary for us to do, which can save food and make us eat healthily. So, let’s do it from now!  

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