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我急需一篇英语作文,要简短点,1分钟读得出来,可以背下来的.my opinion.
In my opinion ,the news did not conect our life,but not all.We can understand other place or even national information through read the news in the newspaper or watch television news programmes.Such as culture and science and technology of other countries.Although thouse are no connection to people's lives.But they can make ourselves better survival and adaptation to the new environment.For others,merchants can through the understanding the environment and various culture to get business opportunities.And spent some time to read the news in the newspaper and watch news programmmes no only can understand the culture of the society but also can learn to better express ourselves.The beautiful words in the news paper can let us better express ourselves more wonderful and humor.So reading the news in the newspaper and watching television news programmmes aren't waste our time.
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