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自教育部提倡初中生每日长跑1500m ---英语作文
(Reporter Zhou Yimei) Ministry of Education decided in October 26, 2008 to April 30, 2009 students in the winter to carry out long-distance running events. The total length of long-distance running in winter to 60 km as the base, primary total run of 120 km, 180 km run cumulative junior high school students, college students total 240 km run.
Subjects to participate in the activities of all types of schools at all levels of students (the primary and secondary schools for the fifth and sixth graders). October 26, 2008, held in Beijing, hundreds of millions of students in the second session of the National long-distance running in winter sports activities in the sun starting ceremony.
Daily run from (reference) base is: primary 1,000 meters, 1,500 meters junior high school students, college students of 2000 meters. Primary and secondary schools every day in the statutory working class as the unit, students complete running mileage during the holidays and winter schools should require students to conscientiously adhere to the long-distance running and make a record. Schools and units, the class activities to make long-distance running record of the daily, long-distance running event in the winter at the end of winter, long-distance running statistics for each student's total mileage. The total length of the winter primary school students long-distance 120 km, 180 km junior high school students, high school students, university students 240 kilometers.
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