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写一篇英语短文 120-150字
你自己截一段吧 以前我收集的:
Embarrassing Moments
Once in Social Studies we were going over a homework from the night before it had a paragraph that you had to read and you had to write what type of government it talked about and I was kind of praying that she wouldn't call on me to read one of the paragraphs and...she did I froze up and my face turned soo red I tried to read but nothing would come out everybody was laughing really hard and I was soo embarrassed and she didn't get the picture that I wasn't gonna read it until like 5 minutes later! and I started crying a little and everything it was the most embarrassing moment of my entire life.
by Samantha
I was in 5th grade at Quail Valley Elementary (QVE). Our class was writing reports on animals. I was a stutterer, and had been since I was 3 or 4 years old. I had picked "Sharks" to report on. I knew I would have to read my paper aloud to the class when I turned the paper in to my teacher, Ms. R. Knowing that, I tried to make my paper as short as possible. Ms. R was a new teacher at QVE. Our principal was disabled, and couldn't walk, but she had no problem getting to each new teacher class and checking on the teacher. The principal would roll around to each class with one of the school's new teachers and just sit there on her wheels and watch the class. I had finished my Sharks report and we were sharing our reports. When it comes to my turn, I get up in front of the class, smack on my charm smile, and begin stuttering. Our principal rolls in and starts watching me. I can tell she is about to throw up from watching me stomp my feet and roll my head. Poor Ms. R. What will the Principal think of her now? One of her students can't even read. Unfortunately, my teacher didn't let me sit down. I had to sit there for 30 minutes and [try to] read my paper. I think finally she let me stop, the entire class was probably swimming in my tears by then. That was the most embarassing moment of my life thus far.
by James
I would say that my most embarassing moment as a stutterer came just a few weeks ago. I am seventeen, and the time has come for me to go and visit colleges. To do this well, you have to make an appointment with the school for a tour. The tour usually starts with a short information session and than a walk around the campus. The information session proved to be my downfall. Before we could start the session, the Dean of admissions wanted everybody in the room to tell their name and also where they were from. I knew this would be a problem the second that the words came out of his mouth. In a flash my mind became cluttered with a million thoughts, the main thought being to practice what I was going to say. It was only three words, but anyone out there who stutters knows that the anxiety experienced when having to say three words can be like having to give a whole speech to a person that has fluent speech. The moment arrived, and what happened was exactly what I was expecting. I got my name and the first part of my state out of my mouth totally fine. than the inevitable pause caused by a lack of confidence caused me to stammer quite horribly on the last word of my state. I was truly embarassed by this and it is because of this most recent incedent that I am going to receive professional help.
by Scott
I think one of the worst moments in my stuttering days was when I went out for a haircut. I was with my brother and we were both going to get cuts. As every stutterer knows, you have times when you can speak perfectly fine and others it can come without warning, leaving you wondering what happened. At the hair cut place, the guy at the counter asked my phone number, which I spoke out clearly. He then asked who would get the haircuts. I quickly said my name, but couldn't make out my brother's name. I tried, and tried, saying, Daaaaaan.Ddddddaaaaaa. I couldn't help but think how stupid I sounded. The guy sharply implied, "you don't even know your brother's name?" My little brother finally came to my rescue after I pointed to him and he said his name for me. That was the shortest haircut I've ever had. Both my brother and I look at it and laugh now. It's the only thing you really can do.
Another time, I was trying my phone skills and got enough courage to call a girl from school. Unfortunately, her name was Heather, which is quite hard for me to say. The H-e-a part always gets me. Sadly, she wasn't around...so her dad picked up. I quickly tensed up and spit out, "is Heeeeeeeeeaaaaaather there?" By that time I was quite out of breath and embarassed by saying her name like that. I can't imagine what he thought when I said that. After that, he always knew who I was when I called...at least he was nice about it.
by Joel, age 18
added January 11, 2001
I was in my seventh period, when my teacher asked me to go to the overhead and point out states on it. I messed up and started to say that I couldn't do it and I stuttered and just set down. That was the most embarrassing thing that happend to me. The second most embarrassing thing that happened to me was I was paired up with this kid who has no friends. We had to go up to the chalk board to point out where this body of water was on a map and this kid got it wrong, so my teacher asked me to and I didn't know so I got it wrong, too. Then he asked us to try it again, and a different group went up and so on and so on, until we had to go up again and we both got it wrong again. Finally the teacher told us what it was so we just sat down.
Jay and Silentbob
added April 6, 2002
First embarrassing moment: In my elementary school, we often have to yell our grades on homework and quizzes outloud for the teacher to record in her book. I had trouble, especially with the numbers in the 90's. I was a smart student and hated getting A's and B's because I stuttered on those scores. One day, my teacher got tired of my quiet voice, not knowing that I was trying to hide my stuttering. She told her T.A. to go outside and listen for a number that I would yell! Yes, the entire class was watching. The teacher told me a number and I said it as loud as I could. The teacher orders the T.A. to come in. "What did you hear?" "23?" says the T.A. "Go back outside." The T.A. goes outside and the teacher turns to me and says, "She probably heard me say that one." Oh! The hurt! Oh the pain! Yes, this goes on with the teacher whispering numbers to me for me to yell out! For once I was smarter than the teacher knowing it was all futile and just a time of humility in front of the class! She was trying to break me out of my shell but really she can't accept the fact that not all people can be loud-talkers.
Second embarrassing moment: This was in the fifth grade. Actually this is a common experience always coming back to me. It is reading time and we're taking turns reading. I remember it came to my turn. The first word was "would." Would?!?! I can't say that! It got embarrassingly quiet when it came to my turn. I was busy whispering, "W-w-w-w-w-w-" I got angry with myself because it just wouldn't come out. The teacher finally yelled at me to start reading. Augh! The blind world we live in.
by Jenny Woo, age 17
added May 31, 2003
My most uncomfortable moment came as a freshman in high school. I was chosen to go to the regional FFA competition to represent my school in impromptu speaking. This was an enormous task for me to undertake. I was given a binder of information, and three minutes to write an appropriate speech. Then, I had to go to a special room in front of four judges that I didn't know. The speech started with an introduction of myself and my topic, fruits and vegetables. I talked about soil preparation and weed control, and it was the longest three minutes of my life. My knees starting shaking, and I had to grab the podium to hold myself up. The whole podium started shaking, and the judges asked me if I was o.k. It took me a couple of minutes to get started because I dropped my cards, and had to reorganize them. I was sweating like a mad dog, and I then flew threw the speech. I honestly don't know if I stuttered at all, but I lost the competition, and the judges gave me a superior, which is what they give anyone who isn't good enough to win. This is a feel good mercy rating they gave me, but I made it through it and survived.
by Chapman
added March 17, 2006