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Three Urbana University students killed in nine-car crash
Three of the victims killed in Thursday evening's fatal car crash were international students from China at Urbana University.
Yan "Zoe" Sun and Bing "Jo" Xue,both 24,and Jin "Jack" Bian,27,died in a 9-car pile-up at Moorefield Road and Urbana Road at 5:34 p.m.
All three were in Urbana University's Master of BusinessAdministration program.They came to the university in March 2006 fromDalian City,China,and were slated to graduate in one year,universityPresident Robert Head said.
Head said he was shocked when he was notified of the deaths by the Ohio State Highway Patrol at 10:30 Thursday night.
The three victims lived off campus in Urbana.
The university's contact in China notified the families of the victims,Head said.
Most students are away on spring break this week,but universityofficials and counselors met with many of the international studentswho remained.
A memorial service will be planned for next week when school is backin session.Counselors will be available for students and employees.
The university began recruiting students from mainland China for itsMBA program about four years ago.The program currently has 30 Chinesestudents,Head said.
"They're all delightful young people," Head said."They've been greatadditions to our campus,creating diversity from an internationalperspective."
Sun,Xue and Bian all belonged to the Cultural Awareness Organizationand participated in a dinner on campus two weeks ago to celebrate theChinese New Year,Head said.
Two drivers involved in the crash were flown by helicopter to MiamiValley Hospital in Dayton.Both were in stable condition Friday morning.
One was Jason Skaggs,34,of Urbana.He was the driver of the 2001 Chevy Tahoe that set off a chain reaction of crashes.
According to the highway patrol,Skaggs was driving north on Urbana Road approaching the intersection of Moorefield Road.
Some vehicles on Moorefield Road were stopped at the red light,including the 2002 Ford Taurus occupied by Sun,Xue and Bian.
The Tahoe struck a 2000 Mercury Mountaineer and then a 2000 ChevyImpala,causing the Tahoe to go airborne and strike the rear of theTaurus.
One woman who was stopped at the red light on Moorefield Road said she heard the crash before she saw it coming.
"It sounded like a shot gun blast," said Leah Coy,43,of Urbana.
Coy said she immediately told her two children to get down.
"I was sitting at the red light and it just turned green and I hadn't even taken my foot off the brake," she said.
In her rear view mirror she saw that a car had hit her.In front ofher,she saw a blue sport utility vehicle fly past and hit surroundingcars.
"It happened so fast," she said."We were one of the lucky ones that didn't get hurt."
When things slowed down she got out of her car and tried to calm a man in an SUV who appeared to be trapped under his dash.
Vehicles and occupants involved included:
1) 2002 Ford Taurus — Sun,Xue and Bian.
2) 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe — Jason Skaggs,34,of Urbana.
3) 1999 Chrysler 300M — Carolyn Davis,59,of Springfield.Careflighted to Miami Valley Hospital,stable condition.
4) 2000 Mercury Mountaineer — Driver Dale Johnson,54,and occupant Connie Warren,of Springfield.No reported injuries.
5) 2000 Chevrolet Impala — Vanessa S.Bruce,35,of Urbana.Mercy Medical Center,stable condition.
6) 1993 Buick Skylark — Driver Leah Coy,43,and occupants KyleCasdorph and Kallie Coy,both 14.All are from Urbana.No reportedinjuries.
7) 2004 Chrysler Sebring — Lisa D.Adams,50,of Urbana.No injuries.
8) 1994 Crown Victoria — Jonathan K.Wilkerson,41,of Springfield.Mercy Medical Center.
9) 2001 Ford F-150 — Elizabeth Schnidel,45,of Conover.No injuries.
Ohio State Highway Patrol Lt.Kenneth Kocab said the wreck was thelargest crash that wasn't weather related that the highway patrol hashandled in Clark County in at least 10 years.
Skaggs told investigators he couldn't remember what happened to cause the accident.
Kocab could not confirm or deny other media reports that Skaggssuffers from epilepsy,saying that he cannot discuss medicalinformation.
Springfield News-Sun Staff Writer LaToya Thompson contributed to this report.
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