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I was not on purpose 这句话对吗?确认
我不是故意的 知道下面几个写法
I didn't mean it
I didn't mean to
I didn't do it on purpose
1 I was not on purpose 这个句子对吗?网上没怎么查到,听有些朋友说不对.
2 I didn't mean to 这里的 to 是介词,还是不定式to 后面不需要接东西吗?
3 不是故意做某事,能这么用么 didn't mean to do sth
【 那件事我不是故意要隐瞒的,我有我的难处,请你理解 】( 可以灵活翻译)

可以这么说,不过习惯用 sorry, It was not on purpose

Sorry, I didn't mean that. mean本身是及物动词, 不需要代词前接介词to, I didn't mean to. 是省略了,I didn't mean to do that.

正确,还有一个说法是,I didn't mean that to happen.

I didn't mean to hide/conceal anything from you, please understand I've got my own concerns.