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1.好像他的事业就快要结束了.(It seems/ seemed that…,at an end)
It seems that his business will come at the end.
2.据报道,我们市吸烟人数已达到100万.(It is reported that…,the number of,reach)
It is reported that the number of the smoking person have reached 1 million
I wonder that how to be rescued these survivors.
60% travellers prefer living in rooms where the windows toward south.
5.他的工作丢了,但并非所有美好的希望都破灭了.(be gone,not all)
His work was gone ,but not all the beauty dreams were damaged .
6.学校将组织学生在操场周围挖一条水沟并植树.(organize,dig out )
The school will organize the students to dig out a raceway and planting trees around the playground .
7.消防员没有多考虑个人的安危,像平常一样将困在大火中的人员援救出来.(think little of,rescue,be trapped in)
Firemen thought little of their’s own security ,and rescued the people who were trapped in the fire as usual .
8.中国东临太平洋,有着13亿的人口.(on the east,with )
China is on the east of the Pacific with the population of 1.3 billion .
9.营救人员累得不想再动,并在废墟中睡着了.(too…to…,fall asleep ,in the ruins)
The rescue workers were too late to move and fallen asleep in the ruins .
10.他顿时泪水夺眶而出,冲出门外寻求帮助.(burst,rush out )
His tears burst out of his eyes ,and he rushed out of the room to ask for a help.
2 把have 改成has
3 I wonder how the survivors were rescued.
4 60% passagers would rather live in the rooms whose windows face/are towards the south.
6 把planting改成plant
9 把late改成tired,fallen改成fell
10 a 去掉
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