早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1、as a student,put one's heart into.2、make too much telephone calls,bebadfor.3、tell to one's teacher .4、findout whom you daughter calls,ask their parents for.5、buy a telephone for pay for it buy
I think,you can buy a telephone for her,and say something to her with patience "Of course,it is not always a defect that you make too much telephone calls.But as a student,you should put your heart into study.None of us can have an apporach to perfection,but it's essential to try our best to do in our dailylife.Isn't it?"
"I wonder who you are calling for and I'll find out the one.At the same time ,I must ask their parents for paying more attention to the thing,it's bad for your study and life style.Maybe you can ride together or build Study Garden to cultivate some friendship."
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