早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
弄巧成拙:1.do a seemingly clever thing which turns out to be a foolish one instead;
2.get into trouble through clever means; In trying to be smart they made themselves look foolish.; 3.make a fool of oneself in trying to be smart; suffer from being too smart; outsmart oneself; 4.overreach oneself;
5.overshoot the mark; trying to be clever but turning out the contrary; try to be clever but end in being a fool [but turn out the contrary];
6.try to be clever only to end up with making a blunder; turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand
事半功倍:1.yield [get] twice the result with half the effort;
2.By doing half the work,one will get double the result.;
3.get twofold results with half the effort; half the work with double results:事情要考虑周详以后再动手,才能够事半功倍.
4.Everything must be carefully examined before we act,then twice as much can be accomplished with half the effort.
得不偿失:1.The loss outweighs the gain.;
2.Gains cannot make up for losses.; lose more than gain;
3.more kicks than halfpence; pay (too dear) for one's whistle;
4.The game is not worth the candle.; Give a lark to catch a kite.;
5.What is gained does not make up for what is lost.:不干得不偿失的活 avoid the work in which we lose more than we gain
2.get into trouble through clever means; In trying to be smart they made themselves look foolish.; 3.make a fool of oneself in trying to be smart; suffer from being too smart; outsmart oneself; 4.overreach oneself;
5.overshoot the mark; trying to be clever but turning out the contrary; try to be clever but end in being a fool [but turn out the contrary];
6.try to be clever only to end up with making a blunder; turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand
事半功倍:1.yield [get] twice the result with half the effort;
2.By doing half the work,one will get double the result.;
3.get twofold results with half the effort; half the work with double results:事情要考虑周详以后再动手,才能够事半功倍.
4.Everything must be carefully examined before we act,then twice as much can be accomplished with half the effort.
得不偿失:1.The loss outweighs the gain.;
2.Gains cannot make up for losses.; lose more than gain;
3.more kicks than halfpence; pay (too dear) for one's whistle;
4.The game is not worth the candle.; Give a lark to catch a kite.;
5.What is gained does not make up for what is lost.:不干得不偿失的活 avoid the work in which we lose more than we gain
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