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求一篇关于一次比赛或者一次特殊活动并谈收获的英语作文求一篇关于一次比赛或者一次特殊活动并谈收获的英语作文 80词左右
Wind whipping our hair across our faces, she puffs away on a Marlboro drawn from a shiny beige and white box. I'm looking beyond her shoulder, watching her smoke disappear into the early spring air. I guess I'm staring at her cigarette, because she looks at me quizically. "Can I...?" I ask curiously, tentatively. "You want to try?" "Um, yeah. Yes, please." She laughs, icy blue eyes sparking, and hands me the cancer stick. I hold in inexpertly in fingernails decorated with chipping red polish. I draw it up to my lips, but she stops me. "Now, there's a trick to this..." Following her advice, I draw the smoke into my mouth, then inhale. Breathing out, I marvel at the bluish smoke, and how old I must look, holding the cigarette in my fingers. I puff a couple more times, without coughing and feel oddly proud of myself. Walking back to school, lunch, life, I take my strange sense of accomplishment and draw it deep inside of me, like the sweet, poisonous smoke, and the memory of this early spring day
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