早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
一 匹配题
( )1 What date is it today?A He's going to fly kites.
( )2 What would you like?B Some juice
( ) 3 What 's the matter?C Yes,he is
( ) 4 How much are they?D They are fifteen dollars
( ) 5 What time is it?E It's the 1st of June
( ) 6 What is he going to do?F It's two to two
( ) 7 Do you often to out to have a picnic?G Very delicious
( ) 8 Is your father a doctor?H He's a worker
( ) 9 What's your brother's job?I Sometimes,I do
( ) 10 How are the strawberries?J I'm very cold
一 匹配题
( )1 What date is it today?A He's going to fly kites.
( )2 What would you like?B Some juice
( ) 3 What 's the matter?C Yes,he is
( ) 4 How much are they?D They are fifteen dollars
( ) 5 What time is it?E It's the 1st of June
( ) 6 What is he going to do?F It's two to two
( ) 7 Do you often to out to have a picnic?G Very delicious
( ) 8 Is your father a doctor?H He's a worker
( ) 9 What's your brother's job?I Sometimes,I do
( ) 10 How are the strawberries?J I'm very cold
(E)1 What date is it today?A He's going to fly kites.(B)2 What would you like?B Some juice(J) 3 What 's the matter?C Yes,he is(D) 4 How much are they?D They are fifteen dollars (F) 5 What time is i...
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