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英语作文:My life in the future
写的好的给加分 我现在只能等15分钟 快点 写100年后自己的职业 住哪 生活习惯 衣着 80词左右 快点 给多家分

After a fewer years,I think my life will be more interesting than now.I think I'll be an actor.I'lll live in Beijing because I went Beijing last year and fell in love with it.I think it is really a beautiful city .As a actor ,I think I will make lots of exciting movies.I think I will join in Hollywood .Because I want to learn English well.I think I will live in an apartment with my parents,because I love them .I will have pets.I can't have any pets now because I don't have enough time ,and our apartment is too small.So in ten years ,I 'll have many different pets,I might even keep a pet parrot !I will probably watch football game or basketball game every day.During the week I 'll look smart ,and probaly will wear a suit .On the weekend,I will be able to dress casually .I think I 'll go to Hong Kong on vacation ,and one day I might even travel all
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