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你的朋友 Mark 在央视幸运 52 节目中获得“出国旅游 3 周”的大奖,旅游归来后节目组记者 John Foley 来信要求 Mark 写篇旅游报道。

下面是旅行前央视节目组征求 Mark 意见的信函,“ ”内是 Mark 的选择。请根据所给信息,替 Mark 完成这封不少于 80 词的回信。

 Dear John Foley










Dear John Foley

Thanks for the your services . I had a wonderful time during the trip

Canada is a beautiful country . 1 lived in a foreign family of Toronto and they were very friendly . There I tasted a lot of delicious Canadian food and my spoken English improved a lot . Besides that I also attended a class to study French . Now I can speak simple French . In free time . I like to go climbing and horse riding which were very challenging . They made my trip so interesting . After I finished my all classes . I visited another beautiful city — Ottawa . There the science museum was my favorite . In a word . we had a great time during the trip .

    Yours sincerely
