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就是超市那种自动扫描的机器 重点在于它怎样节省人得时间和好处所在 字数150就好
Image scanner
In computing,a scanner is a device that optically scans images,printed text,handwriting,or an object,and converts it to a digital image.Common examples found in offices are variations of the desktop (or flatbed) scanner where the document is placed on a glass window for scanning.Hand-held scanners,where the device is moved by hand,have evolved from text scanning "wands" to 3D scanners used for industrial design,reverse engineering,test and measurement,orthotics,gaming and other applications.Mechanically driven scanners that move the document are typically used for large-format documents,where a flatbed design would be impractical.
Modern scanners typically use a charge-coupled device (CCD) or a Contact Image Sensor (CIS) as the image sensor,whereas older drum scanners use a photomultiplier tube as the image sensor.A rotary scanner,used for high-speed document scanning,is another type of drum scanner,using a CCD array instead of a photomultiplier.Other types of scanners are planetary scanners,which take photographs of books and documents,and 3D scanners,for producing three-dimensional models of objects.
Another category of scanner is digital camera scanners,which are based on the concept of reprographic cameras.Due to increasing resolution and new features such as anti-shake,digital cameras have become an attractive alternative to regular scanners.While still having disadvantages compared to traditional scanners (such as distortion,reflections,shadows,low contrast),digital cameras offer advantages such as speed,portability and gentle digitizing of thick documents without damaging the book spine.New scanning technologies are combining 3D scanners with digital cameras to create full-color,photo-realistic 3D models of objects.
In the biomedical research area,detection devices for DNA microarrays are called scanners as well.These scanners are high-resolution systems (up to 1 µm/ pixel),similar to microscopes.The detection is done via CCD or a photomultiplier tube (PMT).
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