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    When you talk with someone,you'll need to end your conversation at some point.And there are many reasons why you need to do that.Either you or the other person may need to continue an activity such (78)___working or shopping.Or you may have run out of things to say.You just want to keep the conversation short.
    But (79)___do you end a conversation in a polite way?It may depend on where and how the conversation started.It may also depend on your relationship with the (80)___ person.If you already know that person,you can just say,"I need to run now."Or you can say,"I'll catch you later."You may also give a reason for ending the conversation."I really need to go-my piano class starts in ten (81)___."
    Perhaps you jusr meet someone in a social situation,and you have a nice talk.But then you have to go.You can say,"It was nice meeting you.Maybe we can talk happily(82)___ sometime in the future."
    Another way to end a conversation is to make it easy for the other person to (83)___.If you see the other person is already not patient,you can say,"Well,I'm sure you have a lot to do today."
    You could use these (84)___to end a conversation,and you should notice that others may also use them.(85)___they do so,you should know that it's time for you to stop and get on with your day.
78.as.考查短语such as.句意为:要么你,要么另一个人需要继续某种活动,比如工作和购物.分析句子成分可知,空格处之后为动名词,故填介词.根据句意,并结合句子中英语提示"such",确定填 as.as是介词,such as例如.故填as.
80.other.考查形容词.句意为:它允许取决于你和对方的关系.分析句子成分可知,空格处为定语,故填形容词.根据句意,并结合句子中英语提示"the",确定填other,它是形容词,意思是"其他的".the other(双方中的)另一个.故填other.
81.minutes.考查名词复数.句意为:我真的得走了--十分钟后就是我的钢琴课.分析句子成分可知,介词in之后为状语,故填名词,组成介宾结构充当状语.根据句意,并结合句子中英语提示"in ten",确定填minutes,它是名词minute的复数,意思是"分钟".in ten minutes十分钟后.故填minutes.
82.again.考查副词.句意为:也许将来某个时间,我们会高兴地再交谈.分析句子成分可知,空格处为状语,故填副词.根据句意,并结合句子中英语提示"sometime in the future",确定填again,它是副词,意思是"再一次".故填again.
84.ideas.考查名词复数.句意为:你可以用这些办法结束对话.分析句子成分可知,空格处为宾语,且被代词these所修饰,故填名词复数.根据句意,并结合句子中英语提示"to end a conversation",确定填ideas,它是名词idea的复数,意思是"主意;办法".故填ideas.