早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


My life has changed a lot in the last few years.My daily life is different things when I was a child.For example,I used to like tests because the tests were easy that I needn’t review.Now,the math tests become more and more difficult,I must review it,or I can’t get good grades.And my math teacher often says I’m not careful enough.I don’t like tests but I don’t mind them now.
I used to hate English classes.Now it’s my favorite.Because I had met a good teacher since ten years.But I can’t find him now,I just want to say “Thanks” to him,but it may can’t become true.Maybe I won’t meet him forever.
I used to like skating when I was young,but now,I enioy playing badminton.I have badminton classes every weekend and I often have competitions with my cousin.Both he and I like playing badminton.He is stronger than me and I am faster than him,so we can’t beat each other.
I used to walk to school.Now I ride my bicycle to school,walk back home in the morning ,walk to school again in the afternoon ,ride my bicycle to home in the evening.That seems boring,but I usually find something interesting on the way to school.
第一行:was different,things 去掉
第二行:tests改成to do tests
第四行:says后面加上that;like后面加上to do
第五行:don't mind 你是想表达什么意思 ?我不清楚这个,所以没改……但总觉得不对
第七行:since ten years改成ten years ago,然后去掉had
第八行:it may can’t become true改成it won't come true anymore ,然后去掉maybe.
第九行:skating改成to skate (in the gym) 『like doing sth表示过去现在一直喜欢做某事』
第十行:have competitions改成play
第十四行:ride my bicycle to school改成 go to school by bike,下一行同一个地方一样改.我这里不能确定你错了,只觉得习惯上还是用我这种方法比较好,不容易出错哦~
最后一行:That seems boring改成Maybe you might think that's boring,在I后面加上一个can/could(具体用哪个我不能肯定哦~)