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《Peincess Pip’s holiday》缩写——
In the castle has a Pip Princess.Her father loves money,and her mother like pretty.They have a lot of money.But the princess thinks her life is boring.So,she and her parents are going on holiday.She meets a new friend Daisy.Shortly afterwards,the princess is boring.She demands to go home.On the way,she and Daisy see something of interest.They play very long time.Pip loves them.So,she doesn’t want to go home.We should love nature,because we can happy.But we can’t because money happy.I like Pip and Daisy.
《Peincess Pip’s holiday》缩写——
In the castle has a Pip Princess.Her father loves money,and her mother like pretty.They have a lot of money.But the princess thinks her life is boring.So,she and her parents are going on holiday.She meets a new friend Daisy.Shortly afterwards,the princess is boring.She demands to go home.On the way,she and Daisy see something of interest.They play very long time.Pip loves them.So,she doesn’t want to go home.We should love nature,because we can happy.But we can’t because money happy.I like Pip and Daisy.
In the castle ----改为 a
mother like pretty-----改为 likes
She meets a new friend Daisy-----改为met
But the princess thinks her life is boring.-----改为thought
the princess is boring-----改为bored
demands to ------改为demanded
she and Daisy see something of interest------改为saw
They play very long time-----改为played
We should love nature,because we can happy.But we can’t because money happy
mother like pretty-----改为 likes
She meets a new friend Daisy-----改为met
But the princess thinks her life is boring.-----改为thought
the princess is boring-----改为bored
demands to ------改为demanded
she and Daisy see something of interest------改为saw
They play very long time-----改为played
We should love nature,because we can happy.But we can’t because money happy
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