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假定你是李华,你的一位美国朋友 Tom 托你在北京给他找份工作。你看到 《中国日报》( China Daily 上刊载了一则招聘启事,认为对他很合适。请用英文写一封短信,用 e-mail 发给 Smith ,告知此事,并征求他的意见。广告原文如下:

Foreign Teachers Wanted!

The Education Department of the Ladder Information Company is running an English course for children and adults.


1.Native English speaker

2.University degree in educational related field preferred

3.Foreign expert certification( 证明 ).

If you are interested please call us:


E-mail: liecbj@ hotamail.com

Beijing Ladder Information Company Limited

注意: 1. 开头语已为你写好;

2. 介绍必须包括所有内容,但不要逐词翻译说明部分;

3. 词数: 100 个词左右。

Dear Tom

How are you doing?                                                          







                                                                     Li Hua


Dear Tom

How are you doing? You’ve asked me to look for a job in Beijing for you. Now I have some good news for you. I read an advertisement in “ China Daily ” today which says the Beijing Ladder Information Company Limited is going to provide an English course for children and adults so they need native speaker English teachers. What they prefer is a university degree in education or other related fields. And a foreign expert certification is also required. I think you are the right person they want.

If you are interested please directly call or write to the company. The telephone number is 86-10-68019433 and their e-mail address is: liecbj @ hotmail.com.

Good luck!

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