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真三3.9D里 一些人物说的英语
比如 司马有一句是说 Your magic is mine!还有什么magic in the air!
比如 司马有一句是说 Your magic is mine!还有什么magic in the air!
Ready - "I smell magic in the air." ---空气中有魔法的味道.
Warcry - (Elvish)
What1 - "I thirst for magic."---我渴求魔法.
What2 - "Be quick,time is mana."---快些,时间就是魔法.
What3 - "The blood elves await." ---我们血精灵准备好了.
What4 - "Get on with it!" ---开始吧.
Yes1 - "I'll handle it" ---我能控制好.
Yes2 - "Easily done." ---轻而易举
Yes3 - "Watch and learn." ---观察,并学习
Yes4 - "Leave it to me" ---让我来做.
Yes5 - "Very clever." ---很明智.
YesAttack1 - "For Quel'Thalas!" ---为了Quel'Thalas!
YesAttack2 - "It's come to this!" ---是时候了!
YesAttack3 - "Your magic is mine!" ---你的魔法是我的了!(魔法抓取)
Pissed1 - "Im a magic man.I've got magic hands." ---我是魔法之男(觉得翻译成魔法师没味道).我有魔法之手.
Pissed2 - "I never stole any buffs.I got for everything." ---我从不披毛皮.我尊重万物.)
Pissed3 - "I smell magic in the air.Or maybe BBQ." ---空气中有魔法的味道.呃也许是BBQ(碳烤肉).
Pissed4 - "I stole your preciouses" ---我偷了你的珍爱.(指魔法)
Pissed5 - "Yeah,you can get a nickle for boosting starfall,but jacking heal's a ten day stint in county.Now lifting faery fire,they just let you go for that.It's not even worth the paperwork.But reincarnate!Man!That'll get you life.
司马师破法者改的 以上是他说的话
Warcry - (Elvish)
What1 - "I thirst for magic."---我渴求魔法.
What2 - "Be quick,time is mana."---快些,时间就是魔法.
What3 - "The blood elves await." ---我们血精灵准备好了.
What4 - "Get on with it!" ---开始吧.
Yes1 - "I'll handle it" ---我能控制好.
Yes2 - "Easily done." ---轻而易举
Yes3 - "Watch and learn." ---观察,并学习
Yes4 - "Leave it to me" ---让我来做.
Yes5 - "Very clever." ---很明智.
YesAttack1 - "For Quel'Thalas!" ---为了Quel'Thalas!
YesAttack2 - "It's come to this!" ---是时候了!
YesAttack3 - "Your magic is mine!" ---你的魔法是我的了!(魔法抓取)
Pissed1 - "Im a magic man.I've got magic hands." ---我是魔法之男(觉得翻译成魔法师没味道).我有魔法之手.
Pissed2 - "I never stole any buffs.I got for everything." ---我从不披毛皮.我尊重万物.)
Pissed3 - "I smell magic in the air.Or maybe BBQ." ---空气中有魔法的味道.呃也许是BBQ(碳烤肉).
Pissed4 - "I stole your preciouses" ---我偷了你的珍爱.(指魔法)
Pissed5 - "Yeah,you can get a nickle for boosting starfall,but jacking heal's a ten day stint in county.Now lifting faery fire,they just let you go for that.It's not even worth the paperwork.But reincarnate!Man!That'll get you life.
司马师破法者改的 以上是他说的话
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