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用所给单词的适当形式填空:1.__(not worry) about your lesson .l'm going to help you
2.We___(not do) the project on the computers 3.---When__you__(leave) for Hong Kong? ---Next week 4.Hold on.Let me__(check).It includes tickets and meals 5.My brother usually__(ride) a bike.But this morning he__(take) a bus to  the company,because he__(get) up very late.
There will be an English party at the end of this month.改为否定句  
2.Can I help you?同义句转换  ___can I ___for you? 
3.The idea is so great.改为感叹句  What___  ___idea it is!
 4.Mary puts on her school uniform after breakfast.改为一般疑问句  
5.The school  clinic is behind the boys' dormitory.保持原句意思
 The boys' dormitory is __ __  ___the school clinic
Don't worry
do/did not do

There will not be an English party at the end of this month.
What can I do for you?
What a great idea it is!
Does Mary put on her school uniform after breakfast?
The boys' dormitory is in front of the school clinic.
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