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Many a slip,twit the cup and the lip 唇与杯距离虽短,但期间却有种失败
一个叫Argonauts(我不知道这个词具体怎么翻译,应该是阿尔格斯吧)的人,他从家里去酒坊,半路上遇到一个占卜者,占卜者告诉他说在他到酒坊(喝第一杯酒)之前就会死掉.等Argonauts到了以后端起酒杯向占卜者致祝酒词,意思就是占卜错了.占卜者说:“Many a slip,twit the cup and the lip”.说完后Argonauts就将酒杯送到自己的嘴旁,再喝第一口酒之前突然被人叫去消灭一头野猪,在消灭野猪的过程中死了.
The proverb supposedly comes from a Greek legend in which one of the Argonauts returns home to his winery.A local soothsayer had previously predicted the Argonaut would die before he tasted another drop of his wine,thus the Argonaut calls the soothsayer and toasts him for the Argonaut had survived his journey.The soothsayer replies to the toast with a phrase corresponding to the English proverb.As he finishes his toast,the Argonaut raises a cup filled with wine to his lips but is called away to hunt a wild boar before he could take a sip.The Argonaut is killed hunting the boar.
另外在1988年的电影Young Guns中的台词中也有这句话,一个意思.
一个叫Argonauts(我不知道这个词具体怎么翻译,应该是阿尔格斯吧)的人,他从家里去酒坊,半路上遇到一个占卜者,占卜者告诉他说在他到酒坊(喝第一杯酒)之前就会死掉.等Argonauts到了以后端起酒杯向占卜者致祝酒词,意思就是占卜错了.占卜者说:“Many a slip,twit the cup and the lip”.说完后Argonauts就将酒杯送到自己的嘴旁,再喝第一口酒之前突然被人叫去消灭一头野猪,在消灭野猪的过程中死了.
The proverb supposedly comes from a Greek legend in which one of the Argonauts returns home to his winery.A local soothsayer had previously predicted the Argonaut would die before he tasted another drop of his wine,thus the Argonaut calls the soothsayer and toasts him for the Argonaut had survived his journey.The soothsayer replies to the toast with a phrase corresponding to the English proverb.As he finishes his toast,the Argonaut raises a cup filled with wine to his lips but is called away to hunt a wild boar before he could take a sip.The Argonaut is killed hunting the boar.
另外在1988年的电影Young Guns中的台词中也有这句话,一个意思.
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